Welcome to Red Rock 4-Wheelers


Easter Jeep Safari dates are April 12th thru April 20th 2025

Easter Jeep Safari registration is now open for all users. 




Please support the M.U.D. Fund with your donation.


In preparation for upcoming events, you will need to create a profile on the website, and add a vehicle to  your profile before you will be able to register for an event & trails.  PLEASE keep your license number and vehicle descriptions as well as your personal information up to date as time passes. This allows us to send you updates and information as it becomes available and an annual copy of the Easter Jeep Safari Magazine.

You can
PreRegister your profile and vehicle here
, however this DOES NOT register you for an event. To register for an event, make note of the opening date on the HOME page and register through the Events tab.  

Questions - please check the FAQ's, your question may already be answered.  E-mail us using the CONTACT tab.  Or call 435-259-ROCK.


The Red Rock 4-Wheelers work to reserve a little strength to keep our recreational trails open. To that end, we have been setting aside some funds for emergency use. We call it the Multiple Use Defense (MUD) Fund.

When trail access or other multiple uses of the public lands are threatened, it is safe to say that the most important defense need is someone’s time and effort. It takes dedicated personal effort just to plan how to spend available money. The most serious threats are likely to call for professional services, probably legal counsel and actions.

The Red Rock 4-Wheelers are committed to defend and repair the Jeep Safari trails for all of our loyal supporters to enjoy, but we need your help. Read more and support the MUD Fund here.



The 2024/2025 Club Officers, Directors and Coordinators are:


  • President:  Bob Kraft
  • Vice President:  George Schultz
  • Treasurer:  Marsha Humphreys
  • Secretary: Lourae Minor
  • Land Use:  Russ Walker
  • Information:  Ron Brewer
  • Activities:  Carma McElhaney     
  • Directors:  John Martin, K.L. Young, Mike Kelso, Curtis King, Robert Humphreys, Rick Wolcott & Ken Minor
  • Business Manager: Rex Holman
  • Office Manager: Linda Brewer
  • Expo Manager: Doug & Carma McElhaney

Red Rock 4 Wheelers giving Blue Ribbon Coalition a $25,000.00 donation check for their help in the land use fight for trails in Moab. 

L to R: Mark Pope Club trail manager, Ranch Pratt President of Blue Ribbon, Bob Kraft President of RR4W and Mke Kelso Vice President RR4W


Contribute at the $500 level, get an exclusive jacket and plaque!! Get the details here:


Check out the new RR4W Logo items in our store (Shop tab)!  We chose items that might come in handy when you're out 4 wheeling, at the ball park or in front of the TV on game day.  Coffee mugs, blankets, hoodies, travel mugs, and from the past - dash plaques, MUD pins etc.

Trail of the Month

The Red Rock 4 Wheelers have a regular club run, usually scheduled for the 3rd Saturday of the month. 

Click here for more details about the Trail of the Month

Be advised: the state of Utah has tightened up enforcement of non-licensed vehicles on public roadways, you may be pulled over and warned or ticketed.

Easter Jeep Safari

The Easter Jeep Safari was Started in 1967 by the Moab Chamber of Commerce.  The very 1st trail was "Behind the Rocks Trail" (according to what has been told to the club President, the road was made or improved with a BLM employee and equipment.)  The "Moab Rim" was then added the next year.  In those days, individual ice cream packages were dropped by airplane to the trails at lunch.  All the leaders were Chamber members, there was no charge or entry fee, and only a Saturday trail.  To register you showed up Saturday morning and signed up for the trail you wanted.  The Safari was run this way through 1982 at which point the BLM required a permit and insurance.  The chamber was no longer able to run the safari and approached the club to run this event.

The Jeep Safari itself, and participation in the event has grown since the club officially formed in the early 80s. Once the event was coordinated by the Red Rock 4-Wheelers, the registration moved from the Chamber building north of town, to Lion's Park, and on to what was called "the Barn" which is where Dewey's is currently located near Center and Main. Over the years the increase in participation grew to expand the trail riding to more days until it finally reached a nine day event. "Big Saturday" still remains the culmination of the event on the Saturday of Easter weekend. With the increase in numbers, the registration was moved to the Spanish Trail Arena where it is located today several miles south of the city of Moab on highway 191. This also became the location for the gigantic raffle, and the major vendor exposition.

Red Rock 4-Wheelers: A few years prior to 1983 the club had been formed as a small local organization by George Schultz. Most of the meetings were held in members homes. In the early months of 1983 after agreeing to take over the Easter Jeep Safari members (Leaders) were being recruited to run the Safari. And that transformed the club to what it is today. We have gone through many changes and added many new members, but we haven't forgotten that the club was formed as a family club to have fun and promote responsible 4-wheeling. So now, instead of just Jeep Safari, we have the Labor Day Camp Out, trails of the month, we cleanup and mark the trails, and participate in other club outings. We also work to keep the roads that we have open.


The Red Rock 4-Wheelers Proudly Supports: