Fins and Things Benefit Run
For this Benefit run trail description please see the individual trail in the trail listings. We've added a benefit run on Wednesday for the Susan G Komen for the Cure Breast Cancer Foundation. Each participating vehicle will be asked for a donation of just $10. A BBQ hot dog lunch will be provided somewhere along the trail, with donations again gratefully accepted. The RR4W Club has committed to match these individual donations so a significant amount can be sent to the Foundation.
NOTE: For those who are unaware, the Susan G Komen for the Cure Breast Cancer Foundation was formed in 1982 to honor Susan's courageous fight against breast cancer and is dedicated to finding a cure for breast cancer, which currently strikes 1 out of every 8 women in their lifetime. It also strikes men, although only a small percentage. Visit for more information. Make a difference combating this disease and have a good time doing it.
Follows the same route as Fins & Things - please click on Fins & Things for more information.
Same as Fins & Things
Trail Details
Same as Fins & Things.
Trail Notes
Length: 25 total, 13 off highwayMin Tire Size: 33+ inches
Winch: No
Front Locker: No
Rear Locker: No